Categories » Ants, Bees, Wasps » Digger Bees

How cool is this one? Looks like it's saying, take me to your leader. So differnt lookgin from the other more familar bees.

Sides shot, I think it was taking off, annoyed or embarassed by my exclamations of delight.

A hairier lighter species, long antennae as well and light eyes

A Melissodes, but not sure which, alighting on a pretty orange flower

Same but from top andgle, I believe they are called Longhorn Bees as well

Same but decieving, from this angle the antennae look short, see, take many angles just in case.

I do like shots of them digging in, no pun intended, but nature being natural always works best.

I took a lot since I wasn't sure what it was, but can you blame me, photogenic bee methinks.

Similar to one above but this time its antennae are looking the length they really are.

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