Welcome to much of my life and spare time in the past few years. Taking the photos was the fun and easy part, resizing and creating thumbnails, eh, not too bad, but ID-ing and categorizing- WHOAH. I know not all of these are accurate in name, hence thr ID me please categories for each section, but thanks to the help of omniscient bug experts, this section will continue to expand in accuracy and detail.

USAGE: If you are interested in using any of these photos online, or purchasing a higher resolution version for print, please email me at kimsect (at) bugosphere dot com. BTW I have a soft spot for non profit nature-related organizations so am apt to donate to you guys to help expand interest and education.


Ants, Bees & Wasps

Includes your usual familiar cast, as well as Hornets, Horntails, and Sawflies

Hoppers, Aphids, Cicadas & Kin

Includes Aphids, Galls, Leafhoppers, Spittlebugs, and Treehoppers


Includes Daddylonglegs/Harvestmen


Includes Fireflies, Ladybugs, Longhorns, Scarabs, Weevils and Woodborers

Lacewings, Antlions, Dobsenflies

Just Lacewings here for now

True Flies

Includes Bee and Wasp Mimics, Craneflies, Deerflies, Horseflies, and Mosquitoes

Butterflies & Moths

Includes their larval caterpillar phase

Mantids and Walkingsticks

Includes egg casing, and immature mantids

Typical True Bugs

Includes Ambush, Assassin, Aquatic, Plant, Seed, Stilt Stink bugs, and some of their nymphs stages

Dragonflies & Damselflies

Includes Bluets, Darners, and Skimmers

Mayflies, Caddisflies & Stoneflies

Just Mayflies and Caddisflies for now.

Bug Beauty Gallery

HATCHING SOON! A collection of favorite my photographs from an anthropomophic or aesthetic point of view.

Grasshoppers, Katydids & Crickets

Includes adult and nymph stages

Primitive and Minor Orders

A catchall for primitives like Silverfish, and minor orders including Termites, Earwigs and Scorpionflies


HATCHING SOON! Bugs where I cannot categorize their family, let alone which species. Help!

Eggs, Casings, Cocoons

Easy to photograph, harder to spot. And not always sure who created them.


Includes flora and fauna where I have spent many an hour photographing these critters.

Bug Fun

HATCHING SOON! Cartoons, cards and more...

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