Categories » Eggs, Casings, Cocoons
Snuggious domicilious: Spotting bugs means being hyper
sensitive to any breaks in patterns, be it odd spots (mostly brown
ones), clumped foliage, folded up leaves, etc.- and always look
underneath. Light plays a great help, shadows on the underside
of leaves have revealed many an irked insect and in this case,
their home and offspring. Looking forward to having more of them
ID'd and welcome any help as always.
Beautiful solitary egg, similar to Lacewings but this one isn't in a group and it's dark colored, or perhaps the egg expired :(
Very tiny groups, like grains of rice.
First I thought animal droppings, then I thought beans, but then I thought insect eggs on beans, oh I dunno, what do you think??
These have a slight rough ridging from one end to the other, should have brought a measuring device.
Finger added for measurement purposes, very pretty pearly things and smooth like tapioca.
This looks like the work of a spider, egg sac perhaps?
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One of the more interesting protrusions I have spotted, looks too deliberate, I suspuct bug building.
I have seen dozens of these, I suspect some kind os moth species... stay tuned!
This seems the most far fetched of the group, but you never know. Again, seems too deliberate and clean.
Upon this viewing, I thought, this leaf needs a shave and haircut.
But behold, a very wee larvae in this green airy condo. I wonder if the brown stuff on the ceiling is its cocoon it just hatched from.
Tiny caterpillar face, either saying welcome to my abode or more likely, git thee outta here!
an ID, a Sawfly cocoon! I am not sure it is from this species,
but if you are curious what a sawfly looks like, here
is one; it's actually not a fly but a stingless wasp.
Here is another sawfly cocoon already vacated.
Architecture at its best, a paper wasp nest.
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Goldenrod galls are abundant in fields, tought things to open as well, not that I would want to disturb them.
Ok, ok, I had to disturb one, for scientific educational purposes! Pretty bug bump for such a tiny larva.
Double goldenrod gall condo
Cool looking speckled gall on a tree. Next time I will take take pics of tree as well to help ID. I am still learning. But I am thinking Eastern Speckled Oal Gall.
type of gall, this one wiht a pointier head.
These are similar galls, wondering if the greener ones are just newer creations and eventually turn browner.
green gall, looking like a Dale
Chihuly creation.
Bright green slightly bumpled gall on the forest floor. Looks a but like a fallen Oak Apple Gall.
Vacated gall.
Not sure if this is a gall, but sure looks like some bug made this home.
An abandoned gall?
Another abandoned gall? Orak Rough Bulletgall Wasp work?
Leaf pimple.
Kind of looks like Grape Phylloxera galls at work... so not only do I need to know all insects but all plants, egad!!
Side view of unknown bug.
Pretty brown speckled gall on forest floor, species I dunno.
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