Here are a few of my personal favorites, but for your almost
endless viewing pleasure, check out Bugosphere's
Channel on YouTube, heck, go ahead and subscribe for instant
Head bobbin posturin Skimmer: I have never seen so fearless an insect; this one landed right on my knee, providing a nice stable platform to video for once. I believe all his comical posturing is a way of telling me I am invading his territory, but has quite the opposite effect on me, instead of intimidating I find him most endearing.
Candy-striped Leafhopper Yoga: This was a short clip of five minutes of this insect cleaning its
wings with some milky opaque shellac. It was amazing to
watch and it paid no heed to the iphone lens glaring from
above, thanks goodness. The ending is the best with its
yoga pose.
Tent Caterpillar Chows Down: I wonder
if world class eaters were tent caterpillars in their past
lives, I mean, this caterpillar barely pauses during its
twig pig out. A friend observing the video asked if I had
sped it up, but nope, it's just how it tent caterpillars
get their rapacious reputations.
Katydid nymph takes a stroll: I love these little critters, they look like tiny walking jewels. I found most of them in community gardens right here in the East Village in NYC, but the only adults I have found were out in the woods.
Three-lined Potato Beetle Taking a Stroll: This handsome fellow was one of the few relatively easy beetles to ID. It was right as the guide said, usually found on deadly nightshade, which is a toxic plant. Hence the bug's bright warning pattern.
Honeybee Pollinating: This busy bee wore me out just watching its frenzied laps around the pollen strands, reaping them in with its forward set of arms. I didn't see much collection via mouthparts like I see in other pollinators like Bumble Bees and Butterflies, who appear to collect pollen on their legs inadvertantly, while this honeybee appears to be gathering the pollen directly to its appendages. So much to learn.
Oblong-winged Katydid calls, and get answered! I found this Oblong-winged Katydid in upstate NY, hearing its call way before locating it. But I peered on and finally found the vociferous insect. Watch its back as the wings vibrate and create a distinct call that is answered a few seconds later from a potential mate.
Needy Grasshopper This fellow was tough to keep in focus
as it kept rearing back and forth, reaching out to try and
land on my iphone. After the photo shoot it also tempted
fate as it crawled up my pant leg, which I proceeded to
smack thinking it was a tick or other smaller creature.
Ichneumon Wasp making a deposit. Taken a few years ago with a low rez camera, this incredible Ichneumon Wasp (Megarhyssa atrata) is one of the first creatures that drew me into the insect world. This is a giant parasitic wasp that located Horntail Wasp grubs in tree trunks, then drills through with a long whip-like ovipositor, to deposit an egg on the larvae.
Ichneumon Wasp making a withdrawal.You can now see the true unbelievable length of the giant parasitic wasp's ovipositor. During the time it takes to lay the egg and carefully withdraw, the wasp is left vulnerable to other predators. But takes the additional time to clean it with its back legs before flying off, leaving its audience dumbstruck at this alien-like moment.