Sphex ichnumoneus, aka Great Golden Digger wasp, another striking looking wasp
Sphex ichnumoneus, aka Great Golden Digger wasp, side view
Sphex ichnumoneus, aka Great Golden Digger wasp, looks like it's grabbing a great golden goblet to sup from
pensylvanicus, aka Great Black Wasp, holy great black
wasp indeed. Check out all the barb bling on its feet.
Great Black Wasp from side, looking like it is supping from the holy grail itself
Great Black Wasp all sprawled out
Philanthus Birds do it, bees do it, makes sense wasps do it!
Philanthus mating, their striped abdomens do make a pretty pattern in the back
Philanthus, last mating shot from top |
gibbosus taking a cleaning break
gibbosus close up
aka Cicada Killer, thankful I am not its prey...
perhaps, striking red on black, top view. What a thread
waist, I am evious.
Isodontia perhaps, striking red on black, front view |
Isodontia perhaps, striking red on black, side view |
procera, aka Common Thread-waisted Wasp
awkwardly moving hopper victim as parasitic wasps are want
to do
still trying to drag hopper victim
a little like Philanthus but stripes differ.
Possibly a dauber
view of possible dauber