Categories » Hoppers, Aphids, Cicadas & Kin » Leaf Hoppers


CANDY-STRIPED LEAFHOPPER: Graphocephala coccinea

Finally, a name that makes sense.

Shot at Tomkins Square park in heart of NYC's East Village.

Pretty sure this is a nymph newly molted

The stripes and coloring on the hopper and the leaf kind of make my eyes go crazy

Just learned that it is coating itself with special protein particles called brochosomes to prevent drying out! Check out the yoga pose at the end.

This is not sped up at all, this acrobatic shellac frenzy was dizzying to witness.

LEAFHOPPER: Agallia quadripunctata

A really wee hopper, cool face mask

A really wee hopper, cool face mask

A really wee hopper, cool face mask

LEAFHOPPER: Chlorotettix necopinus

A really wee hopper, cool face mask

COPPERY LEAFHOPPER: Coelidia olitoria

Male, small fellow looking like its copper needs a little polishing.

Shy female

LOVE! How cool is this proud nymph??!!

Gorgeous nymph from top

This one has more of a tan... ha or closer to adult coloring?

This is about the size of a flea.

Previous nymph headon, silly, isn't it?

LEAFHOPPER: Cuerna obesa

Cool coloration, washed out alittle in this phoot, pre SLR camera, sorry!

LEAFHOPPER: Euptryx urticae

Handsome side view

So much patterning on such a little creature, about the size of an overcooked grain of rice.

Hanging with a Scaphytopius frontalis leafhopper nymph


Looks like a small green leaf, eh?

Pale nymph nearing adulthood

Looks like a gummy bug

The ghost of Gyponona past

I like its beady white eyes

So translucent, glad it wasn't sunny out

Two on opposite sides of a leaf

Two again on the same side this time

LEAFHOPPER: Scaphytopius frontalis

Ha, nymphs crack me up

I mean look at this buggus interruptus with its funny tail...

Hanging with a Euptryx urticae leafhopper


How hip is the coat on this one?

Top view of amazing striped pattern

Stretching out a kink in its knee.

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SHARPSHOOTERS: Draeculacephala

check out the pointy nose and spines along its tibia

Great camouflage coloring

Subtle pretty patterning on its pointy face

Backside view

Another cool find, a nymph lacking wings still, but distinct silhouette

Pretty proud of its nymphal nudity I'd say

SHARPSHOOTERS: Neokolla hieroglyphica

Is it the lighting or is it newly molted? A paler pastel laefhopper

Can't figure out its mouth parts quite yet.

SHARPSHOOTERS: Oncometopia orbona

Talk about a varied group, this one's shape and coloring is so different from previous.

Looks like a marble statue. I witnessed it "sharpshooting" but couldn't get a photo and hadn't figured out shooting video just yet, argh...

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