APHROPHORINE SPITTLEBUG: Aphrophora quadrinotata
Very similar to the Meadow Spittlebug below, but the face has slightly different coloring
Well hello there.
MEADOW SPITTLEBUG: Philaenus spumarius
Favorite trait of these insects is their posture, so proud!
Rounded tails, blunt faces
Thought the bug was small until this ant came a long
Their eyes are pretty cool as well, does not look amused.
Posturing on a leaf
Lighter lighting
Posturing on a stem
You can see but more of its belly from here
Ending with its end.
Almost ready to emerge
I think this one looks like Meadow Spittlebug, will confirm with an expert
like a comfy bubble bath, not sure I would want to leave
A younger nymph without any indication of wings just yet
were quite different lookinG with their distinct black heads
This one worried me being exposed to the sun without any spit coviering but perhaps it was prepping for its next phase.
A fat brown sticky cinnamon roll.
Wow, a really young spittle bug still a grub
So weird this metamorphosis transformation thingy.
A typical spittlebug nest. Kinda looks like an oriole nest actually.
Aha, I see a green grub in there!