Striking blue color, hence the name
Lunchtime for this agile predator
from another angle in ambient lighting
Female looking headon
Their faces look kind of like monkeys, up close especially where you see their face fuzz.
Female, side back view of plainer stripes
Mrrrfffgrrmm! (Translation= "yummy")
Note wide apart eyes and almost unibrow look
This hopper has seen better days
Interesting to see it use forearms to hold onto lunch
Different set of insects, same bug eat bug world
Female eating lunch like it's an oversized burrito
This Bluet isn't as photo friendly as the last batch
of my top pics ever, this was nearing dusk and my persistence
paid off. It sat there for a while, thinking it was hidden
behind a reed, awesome.
Nice profile
Top view
Orange Bluets mating, I wonder if the Blues mate with Orange ones as well?
Orange Bluet, funny name but it really is what it's called.
Mating damselflies, check out the neck grip on the lower damsel, yikes!
Bluet is rather green and thin. Perhaps not a Bluet, sigh.
Familiar Bluet at rest
Familar Bluet perching, they do that a lot
Familiar Bluet, gotta get a head on shot when you can, so funny
Familiar Bluet from top, ok, have all angles now.