confession, I got so close to this defensive spider, it
dropped its meal. But I found it, presented, and it was
promptly accepted.
They come in this cool yellow color and white, depending on the plant for camouflage, then pounce, ambush!
See the fly propped up to the stem behind the spider?
At first glance, what spider? Just a fly doing a handstand?
Nope, that would be a crab spider with a death grip around its neck, wonderful example of camouflage.
This one has been in the sun too long, looking rather pale.
Ok, honestly, don't remember the context of this photo, forgive me...
This was upstate on a cloudy day, giving this crab spider a ghostly pallor.
Spider one, fly none.
Picking its way delicately across an aster.
that an egg sac that spider is on? No wonder she is so hungry.
It's like the fly is wearing a big fat spider hat.