Categories » Spiders » Unsure What Spider

Not sure whether this one was dead or paralyzed didn't see any parasitic wasps nearby.

So I propped it upright for some better photo ID, front side

And side.

This looks like a baby orbweaver

This one is cool, very long legs compared to body

Here it is again, check out the crazy pedipals on the side of its jaws!

Pale spider with wasp mimic prey

This has the stance of a crab spider, but the body is quite different.

Pretty menacing cool coloring

This one looked realtively innocuous, small and light colored on a wheat-like plant

Same from different angle

Same from side

Very long legs, colorful joints.

Did I mention long legs? And check out the bright red pedipalps.

I think an orbweaver, would say Western Spotted except I was in the East.

This one has more colorin but still tiny

Same from side, has one dark spot on each leg at the foremost joint

This wee one caught a cranefly, video at end of this page.


More Spiderlings!

Looked Nursery Web Spider-like but coloring and pattern on abdomen a little different?

Very small black spider in a muddy patch when I overturned a piece of rotting wood, yum.

Head on of smallish spider in Queen Anne's Lace

Same from top, has a plaid pattern on abdomen

I think this is another spiderling

Spiderling side

Almost has termite coloring, found in a crack in a garden wall in NYC's Alphabet City

Just your typical spider, but which one I know not, sigh.

Same from side

This one welcomed us in a cabana in Puerto Rico. It was probably four inches across at least.

This one has funny little protruberances off its abdomen

Suspended in midair

Found on teh crapet of a friend's summer house in Otis, MA. Cool reflection in mirror as well.

This wee one makes the lines in my hand look like mini ruts.

Tiny. Whitish.

The only thins smaller than this caterpillar is the spider that caught it on a small cluster of Queen Anne's Lace

Looks to be in tthe comb clawed spider family

Another comb clawed spider?

A spiderling Nursery Web or Wolf Spider?

A young Nursery Web Spider or..?

This one is missing a limb

Slim translucent spider

Translucent long legs, distinct pattern on abdomen.

This looks like a baby orb weaver

Baby Orb weaver on a white like plant

Orb Weaver spiderling of some sort?

Gotcha! Said the spider to the crane fly.

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