Categories » Spiders » Orbweavers

Black and Yellow Argiope. Guess they adding red and white would make the name too long.

A good look at its spinneret. This web was quite strong, as I ran into it, then found this spider and gasped aloud.

Had I a better presence of mind, I would have used somethign for size comparison. It was BIG.

I like this angle, like its flying

Shamrock Orb Weaver. Found this one the same day, what a momentous day it was.

Shamrock Orb Weaver. Didn't have a fancy SLR or macro lens at the time, so I am pretty sure I disturbed this spiders appetite trying to get in closer.

Shamrock Orb Weaver. Baby got back.

Shamrock Orb Weaver. Close up from side, its eyes following me, eeps!

Shamrock Orb Weaver. This one looks like it could use some sunscreen on its pale abdomen

5Shamrock Orb Weaver. This one has some pretty cool eyes, one stacked on another in front.

Shamrock Orb Weaver. Skilled tightrope walker.

The closer in I got, the worse the lighting so I will call this artsy spider shot.

It's a wrap!

I thought this was an odd-looking dried tree pod until I looked closer, ha, can't fool Bug Girl...

I think an orbweaver, would say Western Spotted except I was in the East.

Cross/Garden Spider. Trying out my night flash method, amazing how many spiders are out after dark.

Cross/Garden Spider. Check out its spinneret

Cross/Garden Spider. Taken again with a flash at night, no preferred method, need practice.

Cross/Garden Spider Final night shot

Cross/Garden Spider. Looks like it has caviar in its jaws

Hairy brown one.

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